Configure External Broker as Gateway using External Authentication


Boomi API Management supports both internal and external authentication types.

As mentioned in Blog 3, Boomi API Management supports both internal and external authentication types. External authentication is handled through an authentication broker that uses third-party providers supports OpenID and an enhanced basic authentication.

Below is the step by step procedure to install External Broker, Configure External Broker as Gateway for authentication in Boomi Platform.

Navigate to Gateways à External Authentication.

Click on New and choose Authentication Broker.

Install Broker in your local machine and complete the installation.

Once Broker installed and is Online Navigate to Broker settings.

Add cluster node – localhost

Update Bind address – http://localhost:8080

Click on Save and restart the Broker.

Navigate to Broker information and Click on Restart Broker.

Once the Broker is Online, Perform a Health check of the Broker.

Open New Tab in Browser and enter URL http://localhost:8080/auth

The above screen should be displayed so that the Broker health check is done and running fine.

Extending External Broker as Gateway

Navigate to Configure Server à Gateways

Click on Add a Gateway

Choose Add a Broker as a Gateway and Click on Next.

Select Above configured Broker from Available Brokers Drop down and Click on Create Windows_Broker_Gateway.

Windows_Broker_Gateway is now extended as a Gateway and is Online.

Attach an Environment to Broker Gateway Follow from step 2 – step 12 under Configure Gateway using API Key Controlled Authentication in Blog 3.

We can see Environment is attached to Gateway as below.

Configure an External Authentication Source

Navigate to Configure Server à External Authentication

Click on New and Choose Authentication Source.

Configure as Below Name – BasicAuth Identity provider Type – Basic Authentication.

Attach Authentication Broker – Windows_Broker_Gateway to Authentication Source – BasicAuth from Dropdown.

Configure Users:

Click on Next define Groups and Roles id needed.

Navigate to General and click on Save and Send to Broker.

Navigate to Configure APIs and Applications and click on Deployed APIs.

Click on APIs by Gateway.

Change Authentication Type to External authentication provider and choose Authentication source as BasicAuth and Click on Save.

Navigate to Applications and Click on Add an application under Windows_Broker_Gateway.

Choose Gateway – Windows_Broker_Gateway

Configure Application and subscription refer to section Create an Application and Subscription in Blog 3.

Testing the Employee API Service using Postman (for External Broker Authentication)

1. Click on New

2. Configure request as below.

Method: POST

URL: http://localhost:8077/ws/rest/v1/employee-service/employee_details/ (From Text editor)

Click on Authorization Tab

Type: Basic Auth Username: xxxxxx Password:1234 (Configured in Authentication Source)

Add to: Header
Key: x-api-Key Value: xxxxxxxxxxxx (API-Key from Text editor)

Click on Body – > select raw and type XML.
<Employee> <Id>123</Id> </Employee>    
     Click on Send.

This completes exposing RESTful web service using Boomi External Broker Gateway Authentication.