If you are looking for cutting edge IoT applications or native cloud or serverless micro services, Flogo is the best ultra-light framework that is powered

by Go programming language. We at ProwessSoft provide the best Flogo services that boost IoT application development.





Optimized Environment

It has better connectivity to the IoT technologies like REST, CoaP, MQTT and optimized for unreliable IoT environments.

Zero Dependency

Flogo comes with zero dependency model as it is ultra-light for edge devices with very low disk, memory footprint and faster start-up time.

Enables Edge Processing

It can be deployed across variety of platforms like edge device, edge gateway, cloud, container, on premise etc.

Developers Companion

It is used by developers, integration specialists, citizen integrators or Web UI for the testing, coding and debugging. It is also simple for configuring without restarting the complete process.

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